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Health Services

Upland Unified School District’s health services department provides first aid services, health education, triage and referral for students and their families.  The district's health services is comprised of 4 Credentialed District School Nurses and 16 health technicians.   The health technicians are staffed at each of the 14 school sites within the district and work closely under the indirect supervision of the district nurses.  The district school nurses also assist in the special education process by providing an evaluation of health needs and information to the team of professionals developing Individualized Educational Plans and 504 plans.

 The health services department is vital to the complete educational experience of our students.  Our district nurses are responsible for managing students with chronic health condition such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, anaphylaxis, g tube feedings, catheterization, etc.  to allow students access the educational curriculum.  Our district nurses indirectly supervise the administration of first aid and the treatment of accidents and injuries.  In addition, the district nurses are instrumental in the identification and need for a referral for health concerns including mental health needs as they both have a direct link to academic achievement.

Health Services Forms

Various forms are used within our district to help navigate needed interventions and medication administration needed to care for your child.  If a student requires medical administration while at school, even if it is an over the counter medication, it is required to have a physician’s order. Please see medication administration instructions for further directions on completing the form.  Meal Accommodation forms are used for those students who require specific meal accommodations due to allergies, medical conditions, and/or religious preferences.  Please make sure you take this form to your doctor to fill out and sign.  California is a “No shot No school” state, a link to the Shots for School website that provides you with vital information has been provided for your reference. Click here for more information about Shots for School.

Medication Administration Instructions


Meal Accommodation


Doctor Order Form


Parent Request Signature Page

District Nurses

Diana Lee

Upland High School, Hillside High School, Alternative Education/ Non-Public Schools, and Preschool Assessment Team

909-949-7880 ext. 35311

Taylor Grafton

Pepper Tree Elementary, Cabrillo Elementary, Sierra Vista Elementary, Citrus Elementary
909-949-7880 ext. 35466

Brie Shumate

Upland Jr. High, Upland Elementary, Foothill Knolls STEAM Academy, Baldy View Elementary
909-949-7880 ext. 35312

Tiffany Benson

Pioneer Jr. High, Valencia Elementary, Magnolia Elementary, Sycamore Elementary


909 -949-7800 ext. 35467