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Upland Adult School ESL Classes

UAS Course Catalog

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English as a Second Language (ESL) is for our non-native speakers who wish to learn, speak, read, and write English for many reasons: to improve their job prospects, further their educational goals, become U.S. citizens, better engage with their community, or just to help increase their involvement in their children’s education or activities. We offer three levels of classes to learn English. Class availability is offered mornings and evenings. Please call the Upland Adult Ed Office for more information at (909) 985-1864 ext. 21144.

SPRING 2024 CLASSES:  we have concluded sign-ups for ESL Spring 2024 courses.  Please see this link for more information on the courses we are currently offering.  Our courses are run as a partnership with Chaffey College, so participants will register through Chaffey College's system.  Please see the guidelines to register with Chaffey College for ENGLISH and for SPANISH.

FALL 2024 CLASSES:  the new schedule for the ESL Fall 2024 courses are available.  Please see this link to see the new courses, dates and times!  Our courses are run as a partnership with Chaffey College, so participants will register through Chaffey College's system.  Please see the guidelines to register with Chaffey College for ENGLISH and for SPANISH

Steps to enroll in ESLSteps to Enroll English  


DESCRIPTION OF COURSES:  The following list describes the classes we offer.  

ESL 608 - ESL-608 Pronouncing American English:  Placement Level: Eligibility for ESL-608 as determined by the Chaffey College ESL placement process and/or guided self placement into ESL-632 or higher. Advisory: Completion of ESL-622. Intensive instruction in the oral production of American English, targeted to intermediate and advanced ESL students. Focus on speaking and pronunciation skills to improve fluency and minimize accent impact imparted by the speaker's native language. Topics include: sound systems of consonants and vowels, pitch and intonation patterns, rhythm and phrasing, and sound reductions. May be taken twice. Non-credit

ESL 622 - Level 2:  This is the second multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes basic listening and speaking skills, beginning with simple words and phrases, then progressing to sentence level interaction. It also includes basic classroom culture, basic US culture, and communication necessary for success in school and life. May be taken twice. Non-credit

ESL 622A:  This is the first half of the second multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes basic listening and speaking skills, beginning with simple words and phrases, then progressing to sentence level interaction. It also includes introduction to basic classroom culture, basic U.S. culture, and communication necessary for success in school and life.

ESL 622B:  This is the second half of the second multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes basic listening and speaking skills, beginning with simple words and phrases, then progressing to sentence level interaction. It also includes continued practice with basic classroom culture, basic U.S. culture, and communication necessary for success in school and life.

ESL 632:  This is the third multi-skills core course in the study of English with reading, writing, listening and speaking designed for students whose first language is not English. The course includes the study of grammar and sentence structure, paragraph format and organization, reading skills, and oral communication. May be taken twice.


LOCATIONS:  Our locations for our programs are conveniently located throughout the city of Upland at our Upland Unified School District school sites.


  • ESL-622-Level 2 (34665): 1/31/24-5/8/24 (13-week) Mon/Wed 9:00 AM – 11:50 A 


  • ESL-622A-Level 2A (34666):  1/30/24-3/7/24 (6-week) Tue/Thurs 9:00 AM – 11:50 AM 
  • ESL-622B-Level 2B (34667): 3/19/24-5/2/24 (6-week) Tue/Thurs 9:00 AM – 11:50 AM 
  • ESL-608 Pronouncing American English (34717): 1/31/24-5/8/24 (13-week) Wed 9:00 AM – 12:25 PM 


  • ESL-632-Level 3 (34718):  1/30/24-5/9/24 (13-week) Tue/Thurs 6:00 PM – 8:20 PM 



The Upland Adult School office is located at the Upland Unified School District.  

390 North Euclid Avenue

Upland, CA 91786

Phone Number: (909) 985-1864, ext. 21144