Inter-District Transfers are for students who live outside the UUSD boundaries requesting to attend a UUSD school.
New inter-district transfer students living outside the Upland Unified School District must:
- Apply for an inter-district transfer permit (release) from their district of residence. If approved by the district of residence, the permit will be sent to Upland Unified for review and approval.
Continuing students who move into a different district, or whose students are moving from eighth to ninth grade, must apply for a new inter-district transfer permit.
We will grant inter-district transfers on space and program available basis.
Outgoing Inter-District Transfers: Families who reside within the UUSD boundaries, but wish to attend school in another district:
Please begin your request for release from UUSD by clicking on the link below. You will be able to track the status of your form once you have submitted it electronically using the link. If approved, we will send a copy to your requested district. Please read the UUSD Inter-District Transfer Policy for a list of reasons for which UUSD may grant a release, and the required documentation.
Request a Release from Upland Unified (English) (Spanish)