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Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten

  • For the 2022/2023 (current) school year, children turning five between September 2 and February 2  will enroll in transitional kindergarten.
  • For the 2023/2024 school year, children turning five between September 2 and April 2 will enroll in TK.

  • Children turning five before September 2 will enroll in kindergarten.

  • New TK students must enroll using the Aeries Online Enrollment link and upload all required documents.

  • If space is available, students will be placed at their school of residence. If the number of enrollments exceeds space at a site, students will be placed in order of applications received. Students will be assigned another UUSD site for TK is space is not available at the school of residence.

  • Current TK students must enroll for kindergarten with their school of residence.