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Aeries Resources for Families

AERIES Parent Portal Instructions 

You will need to have your student’s “Parent Portal Letter” (you can get this from your child’s school) with the “Verification Passcode (VPC)” before you can setup your Aeries Parent portal. 

Open your internet browser and go to the Upland Unified School District web page (; click the “Aeries” link at the top of the page. 

Select “Parent/Student Portal” 

On the new screen – select “Create New Account” 

Welcome to Step 1 of the sign in wizard. Select “Parent/Guardian,” then click “Next.” In Step 2 – Account Information, enter your email address and re-type to verify it. Then, create a password and retype it. Passwords must contain at least 6 characters, an upper and lower case letter, and one special character (!,@,#,$, etc…). Click “Next”. 

Step 3 – Email Verification notifies you that an automatic email message has been sent to the email address you entered. Follow the instructions on the screen. 

Open your email account and look for one sent from If you don’t see an email sent from that address, check your Spam or Junk folder. Follow the directions for verifying your email address. 

An internet browser will open - and a message will display stating your account has been verified. Click where it says “Return to Login Page”. 

Enter your email address and click “NEXT” 

Enter the password you created and click “SIGN IN” 

You will be directed to the Step 1 – Student Verification page: 

▪ You will enter your student’s information from the Parent Portal Letter you received from your student’s school, then click “Next” 

♦ Permanent ID Number 

♦ The Student Home Telephone Number on file 

♦ Verification Code (VPC) 

Follow the instructions on the screen and click “Next” 

You have now linked your student’s account. 

Once in your student’s information screen, you can also “Add additional Students” or switch between your students whom have already been added. 


• If you have any questions about signing up, please contact your school site. Your school has your account information. 

• Passwords are not saved at the district level. If you forget your password, you must reset it by clicking on “Forgot Password?” on the main page 

• You can change your email address and password from inside the portal 7 

aeries login shot

(Click here for a shortcut to Aeries Login Page)