Board of Education
The Upland Unified School District Board of Education is the governing body of the district. Our Board is composed of five elected community members who work together to ensure that our district creates excellence for all students. The Board makes decisions for the district regarding educational goals, staffing, and school policy and ensures that the district is financially accountable to the public. District staff, headed by the Superintendent of Schools, carries out the policies and actions of the Board.
Current Board Agenda
Trustee Area Map
Board Policies
Board Meeting Calendar
Meeting Minutes and Personnel Reports
Board of Education Members
Wes Fifield
Board President
Jack Young
Board Member
Mary Locke
Board Vice-President
Sherman Garnett
Board Member
Chris Cruz
Board Clerk
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504), individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids, or other reasonable accommodations, for effective participation in Board of Education meetings are invited to make their requests and preferences known to Letty Talamantes in the Superintendent's Office, at (909) 985-1864, extension 21107 or, within a reasonable time prior to the meeting.
Following receipt of a request for an accommodation, within a timely manner, the District will invite the requestor to engage in the interactive process where in the District will determine whether there are reasonable accommodations to which the requestor is entitled. During the interactive process meeting, the District's Section 504/Title II Coordinator, or other qualified personnel, will discuss the nature of the requestor's impairment, the resulting functional limitations necessitating the requested accommodation, and whether there is any alternate accommodation that is equally as effective in meeting the requestor's needs. Following the meeting, the District will make an individualized determination regarding the request and, within a timely manner, notify the requestor in writing of its determination, the basis for the determination, and the requestor’s right to challenge the determination.
The District will deny the request only if it determines that: the requestor is not an individual with a disability under Section 504/ADA standards; the requestor’s disability does not necessitate the requested accommodation; there is an alternate accommodation that is equally effective in meeting the requestor’s needs; or providing the requested accommodation to the individual requestor would constitute an undue burden or fundamental alteration of a District service, program, or activity.
If the District approves the requested accommodation, or a reasonable, equally effective alternative, the District will implement the accommodation as soon as practicable.
If the requestor does not agree with the District's determination, the requestor may challenge the decision by a filing a complaint under the District's Uniform Complaint Procedure ("UCP") pursuant to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1312.3.